Three Ways Loan Auctions Empower Borrowers
At LoanBidz, we allow those who are looking for a loan to actually reach out and create vibrant online auctions where lenders compete for their business. This is a new way of doing business – and it works!
Being able to get various lenders together turns the traditional paradigm on its head – rather than going cap in hand to one individual lender after another, our real-time loan auction process forces the lenders to compete.
Here are three ways that this platform elevates the process of seeking a real estate loan.
The Power of Choice
As a growing exchange with a strategic plan, we’re able to offer a wide array of product options, and the ability to base loans on all sorts of different types of real estate. Having a better network of lenders gives borrowers more resources and more choices as they go, bringing more value to this type of online auction service. That’s one reason that real estate investors and others choose to use our loan auction services, for transparency and real bargaining in a system where these capabilities are ultimately valuable.
True Lender Competition
Some types of services say that they aggregate lending interest, but it’s hard to see how that works practically. Borrowers might be able to look at a list of lenders and eventually get some offers, but how do you know that the bidding is really competitive?
Our real-time bidding system means that lenders are truly competing for your business. That means they have to look at your deal prospect in real time and make decisions accordingly. Again, this really changes the game when it comes to getting results. You might say it’s a borrower’s market! Making loan activity competitive in this way is evidently an improvement to those who have expertise looking at how real estate loans (and many other types of loans) work. Browse the web site for more on how to leverage this process for your own gain.
Excellent Deal Support
With our Platinum back-office support program, you can also save time on paperwork. Traditional lending can be very paperwork-intensive, and a qualification process, or underwriting, has sunk many a loan deal. Our mission is to support these deals the right way, so that they are smoother and more efficient.
We are licensed to conduct these auctions in 39 U.S. states. Take a look on the website and learn more about how you can crowdsource your next loan for your own benefit.